Heroes of Gaia Wiki
Minimap Error

Mini-map miscalculation in Y-axis

General Bugs[]

Bug Name Description Risk OS Web Browsers Other Comments First Noted Version Solved Date Solved
Mini-map The mini map has a miscalculation in y-axis compared between the worldmap locations and any green spot on the mini-map Windows 7 Chrome Miscalculation Type Beta Babel Jan 21 2010
Tower of Babel Prize Accumulation Shows the correct prize accumulation until at the end of level 10 where the experience resets to 0 and shows no equipment Windows 7 Chrome Miscalculation Type Beta Ongoing Ongoing
Button Update This error occurs when the upgrade buttons do not update from the blue to grey when there is not enough resources even though hovering over the button shows the lack of resources * Windows 7, XP Chrome, Firefox Babel Ongoing Ongoing
Capitol Locations on Worldmap When the complete worldmap is loaded, it shows the incorrect locations of Stevick(357:421), Brilheart(148:161), and Iserburg (268:47). ** Windows 7 Chrome, IE Beta BF extra maintenance 7th Feb. 2010
Dismiss Hero: Incorrect Gender When the hero is dismissed, the information system always refers the hero's gender as male Windows 7 Chrome, IE Beta Ongoing Ongoing
Entire Game Scroll Bar The browser lagged and whited out for a few moments and when the game was ready again, there was a scroll bar on the right side * Windows 7 Chrome Beta Ongoing Ongoing
OS Compatibility States:
  1. Wrong account or password
  2. Login failed[20112]
  3. Unable to connect. please try again later.
*** Ubuntu Firefox, Chrome Fix: Install Adobe Flash 10.1 Beta Beta Ongoing Ongoing
Skills Auto-Update When new skills are upgraded, the skills that are already used by a hero are not updated. While re-equipping the hero will solve the problem, every hero and skill will need to be checked and every skill upgrade will need to be remembered.
  • Not actual a bug but an intended feature. Would be nice if heroes in the castle would autoupdate though.
* Windows 7 Chrome, IE, FF Beta Ongoing Ongoing
Battle Skills Effect The skills used during battle affects everyone on your side even though it only should affect just long range or just melee. Windows 7, XP Chrome, Firefox Might just be graphics issue Beta Ongoing Ongoing

Loading Bugs[]

Bug Name Description Risk OS Web Browsers Other Comments First Noted Version Solved Date Solved
Click Twice Clicking on any object will load the loading bar, but does not load. ** XP Firefox Clicking twice will force it to load Beta Ongoing Ongoing
Drag Interruption While a window was being dragged, something interrupted the drag in the background. Remains in semi-transparent status and nothing is clickable; needs a F5 * Windows 7, OSX 10.5 Chrome, Firefox, Safari Going fullscreen and then back to regular and then clicking sometimes also fix the problem. In addition, you can press Tab or Shift + Tab on keyboard several times. You will see a highlighted button by a blue square moving and moving. Move the highlighted button to where you want to click then press space. Pressing space is the same as your mouse clicking Beta Ongoing Ongoing
Infinity Shows the bar loading to infinity ** XP, OSX 10.4, Windows 7 IE, Opera, Firefox, Safari, Chrome Beta Ongoing Ongoing
Multiple Battle Ended Shows the same Battle Reminder for the same hero even when all the battles have ended Windows 7 Chrome Beta Ongoing Ongoing
Button Language Shows the buttons in wrong language for a few seconds (commonly Chinese) XP, Windows 7 Chrome, Firefox Appears to be fixed. When loading lags, "----" is displayed where there used to be Chinese characters. Beta Babel Jan 21 2010
Initizalization Bug The graphics of an object does not load ** XP, Windows 7 IE, Chrome The bug only occurs everytime the game is loaded in a new web browser; F5 fixes the problem Beta Ongoing Ongoing
Black Out/Tabs It occurs after initizalization bug when re-entering the castle. When selecting the tabs, they disappear. * XP,Windows 7 IE, Chrome The bug only occurs everytime the game is loaded in a new web browser; F5 fixes the problem Beta Ongoing Ongoing

Task Bugs[]

Bug Name Description Risk OS Web Browsers Other Comments First Noted Version Solved Date Solved
Description or Calculation Error On the Hero Tasks when asked to "Receive rich [resource]", the objective is to "Reward for attacking a 5> [resource] resource pile." The ">" is unknown to be a typo or attacking a 5 or greater resource. Windows 7, XP Chrome, Firefox When attacking a lvl 6 resource when asked for a lvl 5 resource would not complete the Hero Task. Beta: Babel expansion Babel Jan 19 2010
Incorrect Reward The reward description would state different items compared to the ones actually received from the system notice Windows 7 Chrome Beta Ongoing Ongoing
Units Disappear Occurs when casualties are sustained and there aren't enough spaces in your castles interior to hold them, or randomly when kicked out of various world buildings. ***** Windows 7, XP Firefox Also known to occur when fighting in arena and PvP battles. Beta: Babel expansion Ongoing Ongoing
Resources Disappear When transporting resources between castles, the resources end up not being allocated to the new destination. ***** Windows XP Firefox Beta: Babel Unresolved n/a


no risk; ex. spelling errors
* annoying, but does not affect the gameplay or game data;limited to one system or browser
** annoying; requires user to manually fix the problem
*** currently unfixable; needs a version update
**** damaging; needs a version update
***** very damaging; affects all servers, browsers, game data, and gameplay.

